Absolute Purity, Absolute Health

Grambhumi Organic A2 Milk is as good as mother's milk

About Us

Once upon a time, milk was like mother’s milk. It was pure and natural, and it came from cows that were treated with love and affection, the way they deserved to be. But then things changed. The milk you buy today is often mixed with hormones and preservatives, or even worse—it’s powdered milk.

With Grambhumi Organics, you can get natural milk again—the kind of milk our ancestors drank for good health. This isn’t just any milk—it’s A2 milk! Desi Cow A2 milk is an excellent source of Vitamin D and Calcium. It’ll improve your diet and help you protect yourself from diseases by enhancing your immunity.



 Our mission is to promote Indian cow breeds and treat them with proper love and affection. We also want to encourage traditional and disease-free healthy milk by creating a self-sustaining and profitable organic farming ecosystem.

Grambhumi Organic A2 Milk is as good as mother’s milk. It’s 100% organic and farm-fresh, with no added hormones, preservatives, or powder. It’s just pure, natural cow milk.

Sustainable farming is of great importance to us. We want to promote traditional and disease-free healthy milk and profitable organic farming. Having a self-sustaining organic farming ecosystem is our goal.

Our cows are fed organic fodder made with organic animal feed grown on our farms. Their meal combines the best of ancient wisdom with modern scientific knowledge.

At Grambhumi Organics, we’re on a mission to return to the standards of our forefathers while making sure they’re sustainable for future generations.

We believe that a healthy society and a healthy planet are inextricably linked, and that’s why we’re dedicated to providing only the most nutritional products for our consumers.

Our cows are raised with love and affection like family members because we know the best milk comes from happy cows. And our customers are our family, too—that’s why we only source the milk from our farms where we raise the cows in a free-range, organically, and with grasses grown without pesticides or chemical fertilisers.

And if you have any questions about our products or business practices? Just ask! We’re here for you!

Tired of dairy products that are full of chemicals and antibiotics?

We use only the most natural and sustainable ingredients. Our cows, our crops, and all of our processes are 100% certified organic—and that means it’s good for them AND you!

Improve your diet with A2 milk and protect yourself from diseases!




 To provide the purest, healthiest, natural A2 Milk from Desi cows to our customers.

We at Grambumi Organics believe that our milk is the best milk you can get.

Why? Because it’s just like mother’s milk. Our milk comes straight from the cow and into your home, so it’s as close to nature as you can get. You get all the essential nutrients of natural, raw milk, which means you’re getting plenty of Vitamin D, which helps your body absorb calcium to make strong bones and a healthy immune system.

In fact, doctors say that organic milk is good for your teeth and gums since it doesn’t have the same level of sugars and acids as pasteurised milk. A2 Milk contains no added hormones or preservatives; everything you drink comes directly from our farm to your table.

Grambhumi Organic A2 Milk is a healthy and nutritious alternative to conventional milk! The farm-to-table process means it contains only naturally occurring nutrients that are present in the milk in the form of vitamins and minerals during processing. As a result, it is nutritionally identical or has more nutritious value than conventionally processed milk from cows with crossbred genetics. It’s a wholesome product that can be enjoyed by all.


We deliver A2 milk from Indian cows to your doorstep. Our milk is 100% natural, real, and healthy. It tastes so good that you won’t even need to add sugar!


Grambhumi A2 Milk Bottle
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Shahiwal Cow A2 Paneer. It’s made from 100% pure & fresh A2 Desi Cow milk
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